There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
I remember one of the last vacations we took as a family before the older children went off to college. We visited Lavant, Maine in October. The spectacular kaleidoscope of autumn colors fascinated us. We must have taken hundreds of pictures of crimson and copper leaves. We took in all the brilliance of the season. We enjoyed the moment.
I’m in a new season in my life, parenting two young adults and a teenager. In many ways life is simpler. There are fewer schedules to juggle, fewer mouths to feed, and fewer personalities to manage. Looking back through a nostalgic rearview mirror at my full house days makes me smile and wonder where did the time go.
There was a time when my home bustled with the sounds of three energetic children. My children attended three different schools in three different parts of the city. My husband and I spent at least a quarter of each day in the car transporting children.
I’ll admit there were days I felt overwhelmed. There never seemed to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. In fact, I felt cheated. It was as though everyone else had 25 hours a day and I had only 23. I longed for those days to be over and suddenly they are. A new season is here.
God has designed each season of life with its own radiant spectacle of colorful experiences. He has given us every grace we need for the season we are in. No matter what season of life you’re in; it’s your season - Enjoy it!