So often we humans see the promises given in scripture and we hang on to our favorite ones during rough times in life. It's those promises that give us strength to get through the trials that seem to be sifting the very life out of us. This is one of the many benefits of why God gave us His word. And often I remind myself that those promises are for us who are in covenant with our Lord. When we walk in covenant with our Lord, we know we can call on Him and He will answer. He will not break covenant with His child.
Psalm 91 is worded in covenant language. The chapter opens with, "He who dwells." From those first words we already see that God wants a back and forth relationship with us. In that relationship, the benefits and promises He makes is in detail. And what are we to do? Dwell with Him.
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
Have you ever stood on the ground level outside of a building that is more than ten stories high? The shadow cast from the building will engulf a large area and will mirror the shape of the building. Think how our amazingly big our God is! Imagine His shadow! It will touch everything around us. HE will cast a form of Himself around everything in our lives. And what do we have to do? Dwell in His secret place. That intimate relationship time with our Maker.
But His covenant does not stop there. The chapter goes on to describe what all He will provide under His covenant.
v2 - Refuge and fortress. We can trust Him.
v3 - Deliverance from a snare.
v4 - Protection under His wings and shield.
v5, 6 - No fear of destruction.
v7-10 - Deliverance from the wicked. Protection from evil.
v12, 13 - Angelic activity when fighting the enemy of our souls.
Then 14- 16 ends the chapter speaking covenant words once again.
"Because he has set his love upon Me, I will deliver him; I will set him on high because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me and I will anser him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will statisfy him and show him My salvation."
What a glorious promise to those who dwell in communion with Him! He will abide in convenant with us!
Take courage today! His covenant with you stands firm!
Youur the best